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Erin Kohut
Oct 14, 2023
In Share Your Memory
You did not have to know Phil Werdell for long or very well for him to have an enormous impact. I have a deep respect for his work but I only spent a few hours in his actual presence. Still, that brief time changed and probably saved my life. My recovery was completely de-railed in the summer of 2005. I had the amazing benefit of in-patient recovery in the late 1980's as a young adult (not Glenbeigh but a similar model that was emerging at that time). The disease model of food addiction was introduced to me, and I bought into it. I got a sugar and flour free food and plan which I was taught to weigh and measure. I also got all the necessary 12 step literature, from which I did reading and writing assignments. And I learned to use all the tools of recovery. I had my set backs, but eventually, I was riding off into my young adult life with all the best information about my disease and how to treat it. But the disease was riding shot-gun and eventually took the wheel. Seventeen years after I left treatment, the disease had driven me into a ditch and I was in deep. I had been in the rooms for years, but was desperate to be in the solution. That is when my higher power delivered my to my first and only ACORN weekend workshop in Boston. I needed treatment again or at least an Intensive or two or three, but I had small kids and tons of financial insecurity. I don't remember much about that weekend except the way Phil introduced himself: "I'm a Real Food Addict... and I need your help." Did he always say it this way? I will never know because that weekend was the extent of our interaction, but his explanation of the disease and its spiritual implications cast a glaring light on my dangerous denial and self-deception. I learned that I need a lot of help, more than I ever knew. Phil's compassion with the participants on that weekend blew me away. Thanks to that brief experience, I have found a spiritual path and companions who need as much as help as me. I will be forever grateful to Phil and ACORN for not just telling the truth but for making space for us food addicts to heal. Phil, the real food addict was the real deal. And I get to live in reality today because of his vision and tireless work. Thank you, Phil.

Erin Kohut

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